Rick Pluta
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed bills Monday to lift Michigan’s 35-year-old ban on the use of paid pregnancy surrogates.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer said she is concerned a decision from the court in coming months could supersede Michigan’s reproductive rights protections.
Esta nota ha sido traducida por Clay Oppenhuizen. This article has been translated by Clay Oppenhuizen. Read the English version here.
Michigan's first same sex marriages took place a decade ago, one day after a Detroit federal judge ruling that struck down the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is challenging a decision that federal courts have jurisdiction over the future of Enbridge Energy’s Line 5.
The Michigan Senate adopted two bills this week to expand the protections in Michigan’s ethnic intimidation law with broader protections.
Bills on their way to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s desk would repeal Michigan’s ban on surrogate parenting contracts.
The Michigan Supreme Court heard oral arguments Wednesday on whether schools can be held legally liable under the state’s civil rights law for failing to protect students from sexual harassment by other students.
A state House committee held its first hearing Tuesday on a bill to permanently bar people convicted of many election-related crimes from serving on boards that certify election results.
The Michigan Court of Appeals has dismissed a lawsuit filed against Flint election officials by the Michigan Republican Party and the Republican National Committee.